It’s crucial to understand how to boost your immune system when you live with a disability or have a health condition. That helps to reduce the painful and lifestyle-limiting effects of the disability/ health condition. Of course, this is after ruling out any autoimmune disorder with your doctor.
Our immune system is complicated. It demands balance and harmony to function properly. A healthy immune system aims to fight foreign cells that threaten the body, while not overreacting and causing autoimmune disorders.
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If your medical condition/ disability makes you prone to infections, you should talk with your doctor to get advice on the best way to boost your immune system. In general, exposure to cold temperatures significantly increases our risk of infection.
Here are the top 5 essential ways to boost your immune system when you live with a disability or have a health condition.
How to Boost Your Immune System When You Have a Disability/ Medical Condition: Vaccines
The immune system is your body’s strongest defence against infection. It works in a variety of ways, but the most effective way to strengthen it is through vaccinations. You should also stay up to date with recommended vaccines, which prime your immune system for fighting off infection.
Vaccines work by turning your immune system on. These treatments involve exposing your body to a small amount of a disease-causing virus. This in turn triggers the immune system to create antibodies. These antibodies fight germs, helping to protect you from diseases like the flu, shingles, pneumonia, tetanus, COVID and a variety of other ailments.

There are several types of vaccines available, including live-attenuated, inactivated, and polysaccharides. Live vaccines, which are the most common, are grown from weakened forms of a disease-causing germ. They may require several doses or booster shots, but they still protect against the disease. Live vaccines are made from weakened versions of disease-causing organisms and are a great way to protect your child against illnesses. These include COVID and flu vaccines, among others.
The recommended schedule for booster doses depends on your age and the severity of your medical condition. For example, people with an underlying medical condition such as diabetes should get the Influenza, Tdap, Zoster, Pneumococcal and Hepatitis B vaccines to protect against the Flu, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Shingles, and Pneumococcal Infections respectively.
While vaccines may not prevent disease, they are a great way to build your immune system’s ability to fight certain diseases. Although these vaccines can cause some minor side effects, they are short-lived. And most people get these vaccines during cold and respiratory illness seasons.
How to Boost Your Immune System When You Have a Disability/ Medical Condition: Diet
To maintain a strong immune system, it’s important to live a healthy lifestyle, which includes a healthy diet. This means a regular dose of exercise, stress reduction techniques, good food and plenty of sleep. These habits are not only beneficial for our immune system, but they also contribute to a healthy life overall.
Fortunately, there are several simple diet choices you can make to boost your immune system when you have a medical condition.
A well-balanced diet is important for a healthy immune system, regardless of your underlying medical conditions. Fruits and vegetables are a great way to boost your immune system, so be sure you get 7 servings of them every day. Some of the best sources of antioxidants are carrots, berries, and dark berries. These nutrients help stabilise free radicals, which damage body cells and compromise/ reduces immunity.

Foods that can increase your immune system include turmeric and leafy greens. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can limit the symptoms of infection. Leafy greens like spinach and broccoli are excellent sources of Vitamin E, which helps to fight infections. Ginger, meanwhile, contains gingerol, which can boost your immune system. And don’t forget about Vitamin D! These foods help keep your immune system strong and fight infections quickly.
How to Boost Your Immune System When You Have a Disability/ Medical Condition: Exercise
Studies have shown that exercising regularly can boost your immune system when you have a medical problem. The immune system is the body’s defence mechanism against illness-causing germs. Regular exercise can strengthen this defence and hold up well over time. People who exercise at least 45 minutes five days a week reported having fewer sick days than those who did not exercise at all. Regular exercise will also help your immune system fight off viruses and bacteria.
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Now, understandably, because of your health condition/ disability, you may sometimes find it challenging to exercise regularly for the recommended 30-45 minutes daily, any exercise at all you can manage is better than none. Even if that means simple stretches – which go a long way!
Physical activity supports your immune system by increasing the number of white blood cells in your body. These cells are vital in fighting infection. They patrol our bodies for toxins and harmful substances. By increasing your white blood cell count, you will have a stronger immune system. Even if you don’t have a medical condition, exercise can boost your immunity.
How to Boost Your Immune System When You Have a Disability/ Medical Condition: Fermented foods
The bacteria found in fermented foods such as Yoghurt, Apple Cider Vinegar and Sourdough Bread have been shown to boost the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that promotes a feeling of well-being. Additionally, the gut and the brain are connected. Using fermented foods to improve the biome of the gut could also improve the central nervous system, ease anxiety, and boost cognitive function. It seems that there is more to this beneficial effect than meets the eye :).
It may be difficult to determine how much to eat when you have a disability/ medical condition, but there are several benefits to eating fermented foods regularly. Many of these foods are rich in probiotics, or beneficial bacteria.
However, recent studies suggest that UK adults’ microbiomes are no longer being replenished as frequently as those of previous generations. One factor may be our changing diets and improved hygiene. Even more, antibiotics have been shown to kill off many of the beneficial bacteria in our bodies.
The process of fermentation reduces the number of harmful bacteria in the body, allowing the good bacteria to flourish and thrive. Good bacteria help our bodies fight infections and allergies. It can even help you get rid of yeast overgrowth.
Another benefit of fermented foods is that they help restore the net and reduce intestinal permeability. Fermented foods are rich in enzymes that help the body digest other foods. Aside from boosting your immune system, fermented foods can help with other conditions as well.
How to Boost Your Immune System When You Have a Disability/ Medical Condition: Vitamin C
You might be wondering how vitamin C can help you deal with a medical condition. Ascorbic acid, or Vitamin C, is essential to your body’s healing process. It forms blood vessels, muscle, and cartilage, and also supports your immune system. It also acts as an antioxidant and protects cells from free radical damage. In addition to fighting infection, Vitamin C can also protect against harmful free radicals and improve your cardiovascular health.
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While vitamin supplements can boost your immune system, most experts suggest that eating a well-balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables will be the best way to support your immune system. To get the most benefit, aim to eat at least seven servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Other foods rich in antioxidants include dark berries, garlic, and broccoli. Antioxidants work by stabilizing free radicals, which damage cells in the body and compromise your immunity.
A lot of people try to stay healthy all year round, so they turn to vitamin C during the cold season. While vitamin C may not prevent colds, it does help you recover faster from them. Because vitamin C is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, it also helps reduce the size of your sinuses.
How to Boost Your Immune System When You Have a Disability/ Medical Condition: Garlic
The properties of garlic have been used for centuries as both a food and a remedy. It is said to have various health benefits, including improving immune function and reducing the risk of some types of cancer.
Eating garlic is especially effective at protecting against the common cold. This is because garlic contains a compound called alliin. It is also rich in antioxidants, which support the immune system and help fight off infections.
There are three substances found in garlic that boost the immune system. These substances include selenium and thiamine. These two elements work to improve white blood cells. However, this enhancement can actually work against people with certain medical conditions. People with lupus for example, whose immune system is already overactive, should avoid cooking with or adding garlic to their food.
Garlic has been used for thousands of years and was even present in the time when the Giza pyramids were being built. Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, used garlic as a treatment for many different conditions, including fatigue and poor digestion. Garlic was even used by the original Olympic athletes in Ancient Greece. It may be one of the oldest performance enhancers.