When you’re considering how to improve blood circulation in legs while sitting, you can do several simple things. Exercises, compression stockings, yoga, and dry brushing are just a few easy, natural solutions. Those – and more – will all help improve blood circulation in your legs and feet.
We are spending more time sitting than ever, and that lack of movement can affect the blood circulation in our legs. Pins and needles, throbbing, and swelling are just some of the symptoms of poor circulation. And they can also be signs of more serious health problems.
But how to improve blood circulation in legs while sitting? Do read on to see which of the 7 options you’ll start practising now, as you’re reading this 😊
How to Improve Blood Circulation in Legs While Sitting: Exercises
If you spend a lot of time sitting – especially because of a health condition/ disability – seated exercise is definitely a way to improve blood circulation. Try lifting a leg up toward your chest and letting it go back down. Rotate your ankles as you do this.
You can also try raising your heels off the floor. This will stretch the calf muscles and force blood flow to the lower legs. Try these exercises whenever you feel you’re sitting for too long – or approximately every hour.
Another exercise to answer the question of how to improve blood circulation in legs while sitting is flexing and stretching your feet. Flexing and stretching your feet keep your blood flowing throughout your leg area.
Doing this exercise will help prevent the formation of clots and excess fluid (swelling) in the legs. The American Council on Exercise recommends performing this simple exercise about 10 times daily.
Also, another way to get your blood flowing through your legs while you sit is to perform ankle and foot rotations. These can be done anywhere, including the couch, office chair, scooter/ wheelchair or even a pool. Try to lift your heels up for two minutes and then lower them back down. Repeat for 5 sets.
Alternately, you can perform the same exercise standing up. Regardless of which exercise you prefer – and you can do all alternatively – seated leg exercises will improve your blood circulation and make your life that little bit easier.

If you’re sitting at a desk, try tapping your toes several times a day. This will keep your blood flowing through your legs and engage your core muscles. You may even add these exercises to your desk routines. If you can’t get away from your desk, consider standing up for a few minutes.
Be sure to take breaks during each session to stretch and relax your legs.
Regular leg exercise is a great way to increase circulation. Performing these exercises can help prevent deep vein thrombosis (DVT). This blood clot most often develops in the lower leg.
DVT is dangerous if it moves and travels to the lungs to block the blood flow to the lungs, causing a pulmonary embolism. The goal is to reduce the risk of blood clots by improving blood circulation in the legs.
How to Improve Blood Circulation in Legs While Sitting: Compression Stockings
Often, blood pools in the ankles and legs when sitting or standing for long periods. Compression socks, which are progressively tighter around the ankle, improve blood circulation in these areas by pushing blood upwards while we are sitting or standing.
This helps reduce the risk of DVT. Compressing socks are especially beneficial for people with a high risk for DVT, such as people on bed rest or who have suffered a leg injury or fracture.
Compression stockings are designed to reduce swelling and blood accumulation in the legs. When used correctly, it can reduce swelling and ease pain in the legs. Many medical practitioners recommend compression stockings after surgery/ procedures to promote blood flow. They are also helpful for those with varicose veins, limiting the pain and swelling caused by these conditions.

People with circulation issues, such as varicose veins, may not be able to easily get blood from the legs back to the heart. The result can also be discomfort and pain.
Wearing compression socks keeps your legs and feet from becoming tired from sitting all day. It also enhances blood circulation and helps reduce fatigue.
They are available in a variety of sizes, lengths, and strengths, based on the pressure they put on the legs. It’s essential you consult your doctor to determine the correct size and strength.
If you wear compression socks and have peripheral neuropathy, you may not feel the socks being tight. If you can feel the tightness of your compression socks, that means it’s effective for you.
Many people don’t consider compression socks an effective treatment to improve blood circulation in legs while sitting. They often think of them as something for the elderly, but they can be used by anyone regardless of age. A trial run is best.
Compression socks are not only good for your heart but also for your legs. If you’re not sure it’s a viable solution for your problem, consider using them for one day to inform your decision.
How to Improve Blood Circulation in Legs While Sitting: Yoga
In addition to improving your sleep, practising yoga will improve blood circulation in legs while sitting. The circulatory system moves blood throughout your body, carrying oxygen and essential nutrients to all parts. Blood circulates via veins and arteries, carrying waste products like carbon dioxide and hormones to cells.
By practising yoga, you can increase your blood circulation. It is an excellent way to relieve stress and improve your blood flow.
One yoga pose to improve blood circulation in the legs while you sit, is the Vajrasana. In this pose, you sit with your legs extended out. Ensure that your head, neck, and spine are all straight, and place your palms on your thighs.
Seated Vajrasana Yoga Pose: Video
This pose is a great way to increase your flexibility and strength in many body areas. It is also beneficial for digestion. It changes blood circulation in the pelvic area, improves overall bowel movement, and reduces acidity.
In addition, this pose helps relieve the pain of labour and menstrual cramps. As a preparatory pose, it can also help with concentration.
You may have to modify this pose if you have tight shin muscles or have lower back or knee problems. If this is the case, you should move your knees apart or place a yoga block between them. If you’re worried about knee or ankle pain, you can place a blanket roll between your heels and ankles. Or put the blanket between your thighs and buttocks.
If you’re concerned about back pain, start with less-demanding poses first. Start slow and gradually increase the time limit. A beginner should begin with 5 minutes and then work up to 20 or 30 minutes. You should always consult your doctor if you’re unsure of your physical capabilities.
Another helpful seated yoga pose is the Trikonasana Seated (Chair) Triangle Pose. This pose involves placing a leg pointing forward and the other leg pointing sideways. Then you lean your body sideways – on either side.
Seated (Chair) Triangle Pose Trikonasana: Video
And the final one for this post is the Chair Yoga for Increased Circulation. It’s a combination of relaxing leg poses – crossing, rolling and rotating motions – to ensure you get the blood flowing to improve circulation in your legs while seated.
Chair Yoga for Increased Circulation: Video
How to Improve Blood Circulation in Legs While Sitting: Dry brushing
Dry brushing can be an effective way to promote better blood circulation in your legs while sitting. It’s best to start at your ankle and work upward with long, circular strokes. Try to follow the circulatory system. Begin by brushing your feet, then work your way to your heart.
Avoid scrubbing too hard or too softly, as too much pressure can compress lymphatic vessels. The lymphatic fluids then empty into lymph nodes located in your chest.
Although dry brushing has been around for centuries, it’s only recently made a comeback. With the increasing popularity of dry brushing, it’s a simple, daily routine that is convenient and effective. The benefits are numerous, and the process is easy to do.
How to Heal Adrenals Through Dry brushing and Lotion: Video
Dry brushing promotes lymphatic circulation. Your lymphatic system works alongside your circulatory system to eliminate waste and fluids from your body. It can improve circulation by rubbing coarse fibres over your body.
Improved circulation improves your body’s immune system and your skin’s ability to fight off infections. It also reduces the symptoms of poor circulation, which include skin mottling, swelling and ache.
How to Improve Blood Circulation in Legs While Sitting: Massage
The benefits of massage are not just limited to improved blood circulation. Performing a massage regularly while sitting has other health benefits too. The most obvious is improved muscle tone. And remember, you can do it right in your office chair, dining chair, armchair or any chair you’re sat at.
Massage your legs regularly. Start at the ankle and move upwards towards the thighs. Repeat for your foot and ankle. Give special attention to the heels/ back of your legs, as they’re often the areas that lack circulation.
Repeat several times daily, and you’ll see a noticeable difference in circulation. And as a bonus, you’ll feel much better in no time!
How to Improve Blood Circulation in Legs While Sitting: Elevating legs
The benefits of elevating your legs to improve blood circulation while sitting are numerous. Since gravity works against your body when you sit and stand, raising your legs/ putting your feet up will go against gravity.
That encourages blood circulation to your legs, which will help your body drain excess fluid and reduce swelling.
It’s also helpful to elevate your legs when pregnant, recovering from surgery, or recovering from an injury or cellulitis. In addition to reducing pain and swelling, elevating your legs can help you get more restful sleep at night.

By elevating your legs while you sit, you allow your veins to naturally circulate blood throughout your legs. This can prevent and ease several vein conditions, including varicose veins.
Varicose veins are caused by blood pooling in the veins, which are most prevalent in the legs. In addition, the pressure on your lower extremities may also lead to deep vein thrombosis (DVT). By elevating your legs while sitting, you can prevent the formation of these clots, improve circulation, and reduce the risk of swelling.
In addition to improving circulation, elevating your legs while sitting will improve your leg’s blood flow. Increasing blood circulation in your legs will help relieve the pressure and tenderness of tired feet.
How to Improve Blood Circulation in Legs While Sitting: Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper supplement may also improve blood circulation in the legs while sitting. According to one study, this pepper is as effective as compression stockings in enhancing blood circulation
While cayenne pepper does improve circulation, it should be avoided if you’re pregnant.

Hundreds of studies have shown that cayenne pepper can boost blood circulation, including in the legs. Its benefits include increased blood vessel strength and improved metabolism.
It also supports the immune system and helps clear toxins from the body. Cayenne pepper comes in several forms, including as fresh pepper, powder, capsules, and liquid tincture.