Your Daily Living Routines such as bathing, feeding, sleeping, moving … may seem more of a burden as you slow down with age. Or face a disability.
Just because your body is gradually changing and slowing down, doesn’t mean that you should give up on the things that are an important part of you.
Things you have painstakingly taken the time to build over the years. The things that define you. I’m referring here to your family, your relationships, your faith, your career, your hobbies, your daily activities. Your life.

You have worked hard over the years. I believe now is the time to relax, take things easy and enjoy – savour – the fruits of your labour.
Finally, the time is here for you to enjoy the things you’ve always wanted to. Not because you have to, but because you choose to.
Because you want to.
Now you have the time to slow down and enjoy the people that surround you. Now they can enjoy your mentoring. And tap into your wealth of experience and resources. Now you finally have the time to volunteer for worthy causes in your community. For your community. For your friends and family. And even for those that aren’t so much of your friends!
It’s O.K, if you wake up some mornings and your body feels like Lead – heavy, unresponsive – because you had a bad night. Because the sheets were too heavy against your skin. Or because you had become incontinent. And your pyjamas is wet and uncomfortable.
It’s O.K if you get to your meetings a little late, because it seems to take more effort and time getting dressed these days. It’s O.K if you feel tired and breathless, walking to get the door. It’s O.K if your bones creak a little, and it takes every muscle in your body to stand up and get out of your chair.
It’s even O.K, if your bottoms or sides are sore from sitting still, or lying in one position for so long!
These are all O.K. Its part of the inevitable process of growing old. And what makes it even more O.K is that help is always available, to ease or take away the pains and burdens of this aging process. If we can’t stop the aging, we can at least make it fun!
Now, it’s O.K to ask for a little help – From your friends and family. And Help for them as well. It’s O.K to take advantage of the various Daily Living Aids available. Aids created to make the seemingly impossible, possible. So that you can give and get the best of yourself.
Painlessly, Effortlessly. More Joyfully.
Daily Living Aids can help you ease the worries, pains and burden of this process of growing old. So you may more fully enjoy your retirement years. And give the best of yourself to those you truly care about.
Daily Living Routines: Elderly Self-Help
Many older people have trouble sleeping and may need self-help with daily living routines. A simple solution is to develop a daily living routine that includes preparing meals and shopping for daily needs. Getting dressed, bathing, and taking medications are also necessary activities.
Making Daily Living Routines Easier With Adaptive Aids: Video
One of the most important things to consider is when moving about your home. Even the smallest of tasks can be difficult with limited mobility. Getting up from a chair or bed and moving around can be a challenge. Thankfully, there are ways to help you stay as active as possible and maintain your independence.
Another useful strategy is to make daily tasks easier. Developing a self-care plan and getting help with a routine will reduce the amount of pressure needed to complete a task, including eating. For example, if you’re having trouble lifting a heavy pot, try getting a pot with a built-up handle, which will help stabilise the hand and minimise tremors.
A daily routine adds stability and structure to your day. It will give you a sense of security and assurance. Developing a routine for everyday activities will prepare you for the unknown. By ensuring that you are ready for daily challenges, you can better maintain your independence and stay safe.
When you start to need help with daily activities, consider using an IADL Checklist. IADL stands for Instrumental Activities of Daily Living. These activities are more complex than ADLs and can affect your ability to age in your home. An IADL checklist will help you decide if it’s time to get a home health assistant to help with your daily living routine.
A self-help checklist is a great resource for both yourself and your caregiver. It’s an excellent tool to use during meal preparation, medical check-ups, and other activities.
Whether it is a daily bath, a daily meal, or a routine walk, we all need a consistent schedule to remain functional. By creating a schedule, you can spend less time planning and more time doing meaningful things. The end result is better health, increased happiness, and greater independence for you.
How Daily Living Aids Make Daily Living Routines Easier for Elderly
As an elderly person, daily living aids can help you with various tasks in your daily life. For example, they can provide support in bathing, dressing, and running errands. A range of assistive devices can also help them communicate with others and keep track of their belongings. Other types of aids include self-care equipment and basic assistive technologies. Each one is designed to help people do specific tasks like writing, walking, or bathing.

Daily living aids can be bought at your local Independence Living Store or online. These devices will make it easier for you to perform everyday tasks, including eating and bathing. There are different types of these devices that will meet your needs and are available at many price options. For example, a bed or chair riser can help you get up more easily from a bed or chair.
Some are designed to help you perform basic tasks without help, while others are designed to ease pain. For example, rocker knives reduce the pressure needed to cut food while utensils with built-up handles or weighted handles can help stabilise tremors.
The type of daily living aid that you’ll need depends on your individual need. For example, a long-handled shoehorn can make putting your shoes on easier if you have mobility challenges. A long-handled sponge can help you reach areas that are difficult to get to while bathing. Other options include commodes, walkers, grab rails and bars, etc.
Daily living aids also help with hygiene, hobbies and other basic self-care tasks.
Benefits of Daily Living Routines for Elderly
The benefits of self-help with daily living routines are many. It can boost your sense of safety and security. A predictable schedule can help you feel more secure in your home. When memory and cognitive challenges arise, a daily routine can help. Even people with dementia find comfort in the same activities each day.

A daily routine is a good idea for any age. Older adults are often ill and can have difficulty performing daily tasks such as bathing and getting dressed. If that sounds like you, creating a daily routine can help you overcome this problem and live a healthy, happier life. Creating a regular schedule will ensure that you can manage these daily activities and still maintain independence. It will also save you precious time.
Another benefit of daily living routines is that it’s a great way to stay organised and to make life easier. Creating a daily schedule will help you remember important tasks and keep your day organised. Having a consistent routine will also provide a sense of independence. It is also a great way to maintain your mental stamina.
In addition to making your life easier, a daily routine can help you live a longer, healthier life. It will help reduce the stress and anxiety that comes with uncertainty, arguing, and decision-making. Additionally, it will create a sense of cooperation and confidence.
A daily schedule is also important as it gives you some control over your day and a sense of security. When you have a daily schedule, you maximize your cognitive and physical abilities and can anticipate what is coming next to minimise your stress levels. You’ll find you’re less likely to feel anxious and worried if you know what to expect each day. That can help you stay calm and reassured.
Finally, having a daily routine will help you feel more comfortable in your surroundings. It will also help you stay active for longer.
So, which daily living aids have you found indispensable/ most helpful in performing your daily living activities and routines? And why have you chosen those particular aids? Do Share 🙂